Tag: Friday Freebie

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Senryu : blush

blush to admit it at the least provocation my thoughts turn to you senryu by M. Nakazato LaFreniere Today in color Your world is “blush pink”, hence the poem. Ok, I meant to do a […]

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Tanka : cherita

inscrutable word
prompt says write a Cherita
what the heck is that?
sounds like a cigar or drink
poem form evolved from tanka

tanka by M. Nakazato LaFreniere

once upon a time, or so the story goes
Leiana, a royal guard of the deep, doing a usual patrol
saw movement deep within a cave

of course, she had to investigate
a large pile of bones had grown out of the blue

oh dear, myriad baby krakens skittered away from mama’s provisions

cherita terbalik by M. Nakazato LaFreniere