Daily Haiku / Senryu : Superficial

Superficial pics
flashing selfies across the ‘net
me?  nah.  my cats!  click!

senryu by M. Nakazato LaFreniere

Now British researchers have even created code that can turn your selfie into a 3d model which they are giving away.  More than half a million people have uploaded their pic to the demo site to view a 3d version before it gets deleted.

You want to try it?  Upload your selfie here.   I don’t have one (seriously camera shy) but I had one of me when I was a toddler and this is what was generated:

And you can use your mouse to spin it around:

Okay, maybe now I’m tempted to take a selfie 🙂



This Algorithm Turns Your Selfies Into 3D Models by Katharine Schwab, on Co.Design, September 18, 2017

3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image: Online Demo by Aaron S. Jackson, Adrian Bulat, Vasileios Argyriou and Georgios Tzimiropoulos at the Computer Vision Laboratory, The University of Nottingham, September 7, 2017

Daily Prompts
The Daily Post

Cat photo by M. Nakazato LaFreniere

3d images generated by 3D Face Reconstruction demo, taken with Gyazo